Hair transplant technology continues to evolve, making the operations less invasive and more effective. Regardless of how efficient and effective hair transplants are, FUE and FUT hair transplant in Chennai are both serious medical procedures. These are the most common procedures, but all types of hair transplant surgery necessitate some level of anesthesia to numb the world and protect the patient, so they should be treated according to medical advice.
Hair transplant doctors' recommendations can differ depending on the circumstances, but general guidelines will ensure the safety of newly inserted hair follicles and help to prevent infections while encouraging healthy regrowth.
For many factors, strenuous exercise presents a danger to new hair grafts:
- Blood pressure
- Sweating
- Stretching
Very light exercise 4-9 days:
During this time, some light, non-strenuous activities such as yoga or gentle walking are typically allowed, but running or cardio practise that might cause sweating and an increase in vital signs should be avoided.
Weight training for 2 months
By four weeks after your transplant, you should be able to resume all strenuous activity, including lifting weights.
These are general recommendations, but you should still consult your surgeon for specific advice. In the weeks, months, and years following your hair transplant, we are available to provide complete information and assistance.
Exercises such as cardio and weight training should be resumed. Those that wish to do so should return to a gym environment. Patients who have had FUT surgery, on the other hand, should stop exercises that stretch the back of the head for another 6-8 weeks.
How fast will I get back into shape after a hair transplant?
We recommend that most patients return to their daily routine after about 10 days, when their scalp has healed and is free of scabs. Some patients tend to resume their daily routine before this, which is good if they don't mind crusts and redness on their scalp in the treated areas.
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